Core rooms are often problematic since they typically serve many users from different groups, labs, and departments. This makes accidents and poor housekeeping more likely, resulting in injury, damage to equipment, contamination, and abandoned hazardous materials.
Users of shared rooms must consider the research and safety of others when using common shared facilities.
The following guidelines have been established to ensure the benefit of all users:
- Shared core rooms are those not specifically assigned to a unit or lab, such as coldrooms, darkrooms, and instrument rooms.
- Shared core rooms are primarily, but not exclusively, for the use of persons on the same floor level as the shared space.
- Temporary or specialized use of core room spaces must meet the approval of the PI or responsible person in charge of that room and the Building Manager/Safety Officer (3-9998).
- Core rooms are not designed for the use or storage of flammable chemicals unless specifically designated as such.
- Use of hazardous, biohazardous or radioactive materials must have the consent of the Responsible person for that room and the building safety officer to ensure safety and compatibility with other research. All hazardous materials must be safely contained and labeled with the contents. All chemical containers must have a date, name, Lab and phone number. Use of radioisotopes require a posted RUA inside the room and a Caution warning on the outside door issued by Campus ORS.
- Biohazards require a BUA and posting as approved by EH&S.
- All materials must be labeled with the researchers name, the PI name and dated.
- Shared equipment such as Liquid scintillation counters, centrifuges and spectrophotometers should have a primary RP. Shared users are responsible for the maintenance, repair and upkeep of all non building equipment. Unusually disruptive or dangerous equipment, instruments or procedures must be approved by the room RP.
- Users must properly dispose of all materials when their use has finished. Materials abandoned or unlabeled will be disposed of and recharged to the primary investigator if the responsible person is not available.
- Misuse or abuse may result in the loss of use of the facility.