Creating a New Course in IB

Please use the information on this page to guide you through the process of creating a new course and adding it to the IB curriculum.

For upper-division undergraduate courses

  • Please review current course offerings to determine where your proposed course would fit within the IB curriculum.
  • Go to the Course Toolbox for Faculty and Staff and download a packet of forms to fill out. (Please ask Gwen for help with filling out the Course Approval Form.)
  • Download the IB New Course Approval form (below) and include the answers to the 10 questions with your packet.
  • Submit the packet to Gwen Johnson. She will double check that the information is complete and correct and will forward it to the Academic Policy & Curriculum Committee to begin the approval process. Once the APCC has given its approval and returned the packet to Gwen, she will assign a course number and send the packet to the Chair for final approval.
  • The Chair will return the approved packet to Gwen, who will forward it to the Academic Senate for approval.
  • Deadlines: November 1 for courses to be taught the following fall semester and April 1 for courses to be taught the following spring semester.

General tools and resources

Microsoft Office document icon NewCourseApproval.doc69 KB