I am the advisor for MCB graduate students in their 3rd year or beyond. I help to make sure everyone is on top of their requirements, hire GSIs for undergrad courses, and work to solve various student queries. A big part of my role is event planning - so far I’ve been responsible for orientation but soon I’ll be working on recruitment with the help of some current first-year students. Everyone says it’s a big job, but I’m excited for the challenge!
I have a degree in anthropology with a minor in education from UC Davis. After graduating, I had the opportunity to move to London for a year to work for the UC Education Abroad Program, where I first discovered my passion for working in higher ed and student events (I’d always thought I would end up as an elementary school teacher). After London, I moved to San Francisco where I worked in the development office of a private school and continued to hone my event planning skills. But I missed working directly with students and what better place to do that than at UC Berkeley!
4 Quick Questions:
What motivates you to get out of bed and come to campus each day? I never know what new challenges I’ll be given - no two days are the same!
How long have you been on campus? Just over 3 months
What do you like best about working at Berkeley? The opportunities for meeting new people
If you could do it all again what job would you rather have? Author of Harry Potter
4 Quick Facts:
Current residence? San Francisco
City of Birth? Berkeley
Cat or dog? Cat
Future travel plans? Indonesia